
A New Look for a New Year

You might notice something a little different about the bloggy blog today :) I am very excited  to debut my new brand!  Late last year I worked with Emily Ley to bring my vision for izehi Photography to life. I think she did a fantastic job, and I'm excited to start the new year with a new look!  Here's a shot of my brand board.  It really portrays the warmth and soul I want my brand to embody, and there's a bit of flair too, just to keep things interesting ;)

Remembering and Reflecting

You know those strange people who journal almost every single day?  I'm one of them :)  At the beginning of every year I reread my journals from the previous year.  This year it was good to remember and reflect on my first full year as a photographer and business owner.  2010 was a wild ride.  Reliving the year by reading my journal left me feeling a little dizzy from all that happened, and very very grateful.

  • I'm so very grateful for the lessons I learned both hard and easy.
  • I'm thankful for my family and friends who supported me on the roller coaster ride; especially those who provided queso or chocolate!
  • I'm thankful for amazing peers and mentors who encourage me, coach me, and give me a reality check or two when I need it.
  • I'm really grateful for all of my clients, I had some phenomenal ones in 2010.
  • And I'm very thankful for you dear blog reader.  It would be awfully lonely without you reading the bloggy blog and leaving me comments!

I'm mostly excited and occasionally overwhelmed when I think about 2011.  I know it's got some amazing things in store. I also know there will be plenty of I-need-a-double-chocolate-hot-fudge-ice-cream-brownie-sundae kind of days too.  Either way, I know the best is yet to come.

And because every post is better with a picture, here's my way of remembering my favorite time of the year!

A Timeless Classic

Okay, I'm a little nervous because I'm about to reveal just what a girlie girl romantic I am; with a bit of nerd thrown in for good measure ;)

I have an amazing gift to fall in love with TV shows that don't last very long.

I mean die-hard, head over heels, I can quote every single line of every episode in love with.

The TV series Christy is one such show.  If you're not familiar with the goodness that is Christy; think Little House on the Prairie meets Anne of Green Gables.  That's right; good quality, wholesome, non-cheesy TV at its best.  To this day, watching Christy brings a goofy grin to my face as I quote episodes I've seen countless times.

As a little girl, I waited with baited breath to see if Christy would choose David or Dr. McNeil.

In my teen years, I identified with the  young girl wanting to be seen as a grown woman.

As a young adult living overseas, I could relate to a young woman living out her adventures in a culture foreign to her.

And today, I can connect with my 10 and 12 year old girlfriends as we again discuss the dilemma of David or Dr. McNeil :)

This time of year always has me thinking of timeless classics.  Although not a holiday series, Christy has been a timeless treasure that has connected with me in various seasons of my life.  I hope that my photography will be like Christy; a timeless treasure enjoyed by all ages in every season of life.