
The Magic Room

In a Bridal store...

Every bride,

Every mom, aunt, grandmother, father & sibling

Every wedding dress,

Every bridal shop owner,

Every mirror,

They all have a story.


The Magic Room, A Story About the Love We Wish For Our Daughters by Jeffrey Zaslow weaves together all of these stories.


I have been thoroughly engaged uncovering the treasure of each story.  I could say more, so much more, but really, you should just read the book :)


Chi-town dreams

The way some people dream of the Big Apple is how I've always dreamed about Chicago.  This January I got the chance to visit the windy city & make  that dream a reality! While visiting a friend in Southern Il, we took a whirlwind roadtrip to Chi-town.  

And. I. Loved. It.


Brief though it was, I loved every second of my visit. As we drove down the Mag Mile (I know, I sound JUST like a local ;)) I glanced to my right and left in glee.  I loved the vibe of the city: urban, fast paced, & rich in culture.






I perused a guidebook and collected tons of fascinating facts to sprinkle in conversation (because I'm nerdy like that). For instance, did you know Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was invented in a Montgomery Wards store in Chicago?  If you make it to Who Wants to be a Millionaire someday and that question earns you big money; you can thank me then :)


NO visit to Chicago is complete without sampling some deep-dish pizza; and sweet mother of pearl Giordano's was divine!



I got lucky & got to enjoy the first heavy snowfall of the season.





I also made time to visit Sue the ginormous T-Rex at The Field Museum.




For those of you taking notes, I ticked off 3 whole items from my 101 in 1001 list!

#5 Visit Chicago

#15 Take a road trip (we drove from St. Louis to Chicago) &

#94 I also visited a chiropractor while I was in Illinois.  Don't worry, I'll refrain from showing off those images :)



Here's my favorite photo from the trip: my friend Amy & I :)



  Nigerians of their generation aren't known for public displays of affection, but their love is communicated in thousands of different ways.


She cooks the foods only he loves, and he never forgets a birthday, holiday, or anniversary.


Today many would say their story is the stuff that dreams are made of.  I wish I'd known them when they first met: my dad, the popular playwright with swag in every inch of his afro, mustache and platform boots.  And then my mom, class and elegance echoing from her 70's sweaters, afro, and glasses.  Together on campus, they were quite the dashing pair.  And oh how I wish I had a photograph of them from that time period!


I didn't know them then, but I'm proud to know them now.


I love that they have their own private jokes, that they still lovingly serve one another, and that they still talk. That they are friends...still.


This past weekend, they celebrated another wedding anniversary.  Mom & Dad, here's to 32 more years & counting!