Best Friends + Artisan Cheese

If you’ve known me for longer than 2 minutes, you’ve probably heard me talk about one of my very best friends: Amy Marcoot. Amy is one of the most incredible people I’ve ever met. She’s kind, funny, generous, smart, savvy, the list really goes on and on.  Unfortunately for me, she lives in Illinois, which is waaaaaay to far from Texas, but we do our best to close the distance with frequent phone calls, texts, and the occasional visit.  On one visit, I got the chance to shoot a few quick portraits of her and it was so much fun to get her on the other side of my camera! 

I happen to think, Amy has a gorgeous smile, but she can rock the serious look too!


Along with her sister Beth (you may recognize her ;), Amy owns and operates Marcoot Jersey Creamery,  a seventh-generation family-owned Jersey dairy farm in Greenville, Illinois.  Their creamery creates the most mouth-watering cheeses. I have been oh so fortunate to photograph (and yes sample) many of the amazingly delicious cheeses. Here are a few of my favorites.

This strawberry quark is a soft spreadable cheese that's yummy and refreshing and instantly creates a party in your mouth!

If I actually share my Smoked Gouda, count yourself lucky; this. is. my. fave.

How cool is this, Marcoot Jersey Creamery teamed up with Schlafly, a local brewery in St. Louis, Missouri to create Tipsy Cheddar, a white cheddar made with Schlafly Brewery Pale Ale Beer. 

Cheese curd lovers, these Garlic Herb Cheese Curds are for you!

Hello spicy Habanero Monterey Jack!

After spending a few hours stretching this cheese, I have a whole new appreciation for Fresh Mozzarella!


And because I can’t help but brag a little bit on my bestie, check out the video below that shares a little bit of her family's story.  Hypegirl, you did a wonderful job creating such a meaningful video!!!


Remember how I said you might recognize Amy's sister Beth, wellllll  that’s because she is also a great friend of mine, and I had the chance to shoot her wedding a few years ago!