Inspiring Women

My new life motto

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I can't stop talking about Sherri Shephard's book Permission Slips:  Every Woman's Guide to Giving Herself a Break.  Reading it was like sitting down with a good friend. You know the friend who has literally been there and done that with eeeeehhhhverything.  She's the wiser sister/cousin/aunt/friend who tells you that it's okay even if you've screwed up REALLY big. You can still make it.

One of the most memorable parts of the book (and there were a lot to choose from) is when she's talking about the ups and downs of being a stand up commedian. After a rough experience she was scared to go back on stage, and someone said to her "if you're scared, do it scared."

Talk about an a-ha moment.

I love that line. It is my new life motto & I  quote it constantly (I apologize to the close family and friends who hear me sounding like a broken record).

This year I challenged myself to become more visible in the photography community.  So far it's been a really great experience, but I'm far from fearless in the process. Driving to networking events, emailing new contacts, or dreaming outside of the box, intimidates me at times.  Who am I kidding, it scares me each and every time.  But, I won't let that fear stop me.  I may hide in the bathroom for a moment or two, but then I pull myself together and do what needs to be done.

I've always been a reader, so another challenge I've given myself is to read outside of my box (remember this post about nonfiction being my kryptonite). Reading about successful women has encouraged and motivated me. Sometimes it takes a little while to get to where you want to be, but success and hard work always pays off!

Sooooo, what about you?  Who's inspiring you?  What things are you scared to do, but "do it scared" anyway?  Talk to me :)