Kristin Shyla

Far Above Average

Last week my friend Kristin surprised me with a free ticket to the Showit PASS Premier Tour.  I'd contemplated going but wasn't sure if I could make it.  A free ticket helped me make up my mind quickly :)  

I thought it would be neat to hear Promise Tangeman speak.


I was excited that my album company KISS Wedding books would be there.


I was intrigued by the new technology that Showit would be premiering.


But most of all, I could not wait to meet photography duo Zach and Jody Gray in person.


Well friends, they did not disappoint. If you are a photographer and thinking about going to the PASS premier tour I strongly encourage you to go even if you're not a "showiteer" just to hear the Grays speak.  They are just as warm and genuine in person as they sound online. Their advice on how to court, and engage with current and potential clients had me switching between writing furiously and staring dumbstruck wishing I'd come up with those ideas.  The creative thoughtful ways they care for their clients inspired me to do the same.


One of my favorite ideas of the evening was this:  Everyone is doing average, that's why it's called average; your job is to make a good impression and stand out from the crowd.  It doesn't need to cost a lot, but simple thoughtful gestures go a long way.


Reviewing my notes from the evening created excitement in me as I thought of ways to show my gratitude and appreciation to my clients. Truly, they are the ones who are far above average, and I'm honored they chose me to capture special moments in their lives!


Oh, and I'm super grateful to Kristin for grabbing this picture of the two of us with Jody Gray with her iphone!