
Surprise Vacation

When I'm around her I know two things for sure, we'll laugh a lot, we'll never run out of things to talk about.  We may have such great conversations, that I could for instance miss a flight :)  But that's okay, because it just means more time to talk, hang out, and enjoy being in the same state! Emily & Jeremy, thanks for being such gracious and flexible hosts; especially when your houseguest stayed a few days extra. I'll always remember your home as a placed filled with beauty, laughter, and the smell of freshly baked Swedish bread!



My Super Sonic Secret Power

There are some prayers that I'm so glad God answered with a kind no. Like the time I was convinced that long red hair and violet eyes would transform me into a vision of loveliness.  Wow.  All I can think now is Thank You sweet merciful God!

However I wouldn't mind if God gave me super sonic secret powers.  You know, seeing through walls, leaping buildings in a single bound, that kind of thing.

Sadly the closest thing I have to a super sonic secret power is that I'm a speed reader.  *Nerd alert*  It's not uncommon for me to fly through a 200-300 page novel between dinner and bedtime.  There is a catch though, it has to be a fiction book. Non-fiction books are my kryptonite.   With the very best of intentions I'll load up on non-fiction books on a trip to the library (I told you I was a nerd), and without fail I start them enthusiastically, only to have them migrate to the "donations" pile months later.

However I am very proud to say that I started AND finished a whole entire non-fiction book .  Yes it had pictures, but the images were by a photographer so that's different (right?).  One of my mentor's surprised me with a the book  Wedding Photography From the Heart.

I read it from cover to cover and it was inspiring and  visually stunning.   If  you are looking for inspiration as a photographer, or just enjoy beautiful imagery, I encourage you to grab a copy.  You'll definitely finish it, whether you're a lover of non-fiction or not!