
Shooting for the Stars

I'm really fortunate to have a handful of really close friends.  As one of my closest friends said, we can "head dive into deepness" from the first hello of a phone call. However in general, I tend to be a rather private person.  Online especially I like to keep a pretty low profile.  Because we all know that what happens in Vegas doesn't really stay in Vegas :)  

Starting this blog (celebrating over a year now; woohoo!) was quite a large step for me. I wanted to get to know others, show off my amazing clients, and let myself be known a bit too.


However, as I re-read my blog entries from last year I felt a bit of sadness, because I couldn't hear my voice in the writing.  In my desire to not overshare, I don't think I was real enough.  So one of my goals this year is to blog more from the heart. Don't worry, I have no intentions of airing dirty laundry, but I do want to be more real, and let you know a bit more about the quirky girl behind the lens :)


In an effort to be more personal, I thought I would share my list of 101 things I'd like to accomplish in the next 1001 days (a really fabulous idea I saw on Gail Werner's blog).  Now I know some of these are lofty, but there's nothing wrong with dreaming big!  And if you don't write them down; how will you celebrate when they happen? I believe in the power of writing down your dreams and goals, so here's to hoping some/most/all of these come true in the next 3 years!


1.  Travel to Italy

2.  Go roller skating

3.  Go rock climbing

4. See a play on Broadway

5.  Visit Chicago

6.  See the California Redwoods

7.  Visit South Carolina

8.  Go to Disneyworld or Disneyland (never been to either!)

9.  Walk a marathon

10.  Pay for a stranger's groceries

11.  Plan an awesome party

12.  See the Grand Canyon

13.  Pay for a stranger's dinner

14.  Work for someone for free so they can take a vacation

15.  Take a road trip

16.  Volunteer at a non-profit for a year

17.  Do a photography trip overseas with a non-profit organization

18.  Get published in Munaluchi Magazine

19.  Get featured on The Bride's Cafe

20.  Take an art class (painting, sculpture, floral design, etc.)

21.  Sew something

22.  Make and complete a scrapbook

23.  Design a custom piece of jewelry

24.  Get a new website

25.  Buy a laptop

26.  Go to a dayspa

27.  Do a professional photo shoot with a photographer I admire

28.  Go ice skating

29.  Take a ballet class

30.  Do Help Portrait Dallas

31.  Attempt a complicated hairstyle

32.  Volunteer at a soup kitchen or shelter on Thanksgiving Day

33.  Do a photo shoot for fun outside of my normal wedding/portrait genre

34.  Do a personal photo project

35.  Send my mom on her dream vacation

36.  Take a cooking class

37.  Decorate a room

38.  Visit an aquarium

39.  House sit

40.  Paint a wall/room in a house

41.  Help remodel a home (i.e. Habitat for Humanity)

42.  Read 10 business books

43.  Learn to tie gele

44.  Wear fake eyelashes

45.  Attend a fitness boot camp

46.  Go berry picking

47.  Volunteer in a crisis/disaster relief area

48.  Print my favorite go-to recipes into a book

49.  Fly first class

50.  Learn how to swim

51.  Make Egusi soup

52.  Do a 40 day sugar fast

53.  Go go-karting

54.  Climb a mountain

55.  Visit a natural hair salon

56.  Shoot in film

57.  Do a styled photo shoot

58.  Become a preferred vendor for an industry peer

59.  Rebrand

60.  Run a race on Thanksgiving Day

61.  Surprise my mom at work with lunch

62. Visit an Amish community

63.  Attend a Meet-up for something fun

64.  Photograph my brother opening for a hip-hop artist

65.  Collaborate with an artist on a multimedia project

66. Take the strength finders test

67.  Visit a friend overseas

68. Visit my friends who moved to California

69.  Spend a day in the life of another wedding industry professional

70.  Not eat out for a month

71.  Cook a meal every day for a month

72.  Make a personal photo album for myself

73.  Do monthly self portraits for a year

74.  Take photos monthly with close friends and family for a year

75.  Ride a motorcycle

76.  Volunteer with a youth mentoring organization

77.  Do a girls night getaway in downtown Fort Worth

78.  Visit Reunion Tower in Dallas

79.  Play recreational volleyball for a season

80.  Make a promo video for Izehi Photography

81.  Go vegan for a week

82.  Straighten my hair with no chemicals

83.  Spontaneously give a couple a date night and babysit their kids

84.  Visit the riverwalk in San Antonio

85.  Sponsor a child overseas

86.  Go to WPPI

87.  Design personal stationary

88.  Attend a live poetry night

89.  Sing Karaoke

90.  Watch a live professional dance performance (maybe even the Alvin Ailey dance company :))

91.  See a play in the Dallas Summer Musicals series (maybe even Wicked :))

92.  Attend any city's restaurant week/taste of week

93.  Ride in a hot air balloon (despite my fear of heights)

94.  Visit a chiropractor

95. Reconnect with an old friend

96.  Join a book club

97.  Have a shoot featured in Essence magazine.

98.  Photograph couples from every livable continent

99-101....There's always room for more dreaming :)


And if you actually read this entire list; I am majorly impressed!  We should totally sit by each other during lunch now :)




Here's a photo I keep on my memo board that I cut out from a magazine YEARS ago.  I think it was a magazine ad for Disney.  It's fitting for this post don't you think?